Shoe Material
EVA foam modification: From shoe material midsole to yoga mat, manufacturers can produce soft and durable lightweight foam products. Metallocene catalyst technology can provide EVA (ethylene vinyl acetate) foam products with excellent mechanical properties and elasticity. These innovative polymer modifiers with different melt indexes and densities can be adapted to a variety of foaming processing techniques, and are lighter to wear while maintaining the performance of the shoe material.

EVA foam modification: from shoe midsole to yoga mat, manufacturers can produce soft and durable lightweight foam products

The metallocene catalyst technology can provide EVA (ethylene vinyl acetate) foam products with excellent mechanical properties and elasticity. These innovative polymer modifiers with different melt indexes and densities can be adapted to a variety of foaming processing techniques, and are lighter to wear while maintaining the performance of the shoe material.

Main advantages

  • Lightweight: lighter while maintaining similar hardness
  • Durable: Enhance product strength and tear resistance
  • Soft: Provides a soft and comfortable skin touch
  • Rebound: achieve good resilience and low compression set
  • Processability: Compatible with a variety of polyolefins, simplifying the processing flow of EVA foaming

Focus on the processing and product performance advantages brought by Egat™ plastic bodies

Excellent foaming performance: Compared with the reference modifiers, Exact™ 5061, Exact™ 5171 (left picture) and Exact™ 5101 MX (right picture) are in key characteristics (Such as compression set, surface hardness and elongation at break) show excellent performance.

Ingredients phr
EVA (28%VA) 70
Exact™ or reference sample 30

Features Exact™ 5061 Exact™ 5101MX Exact™ 5171 Exact™ 5371 The test method is based on
Melt index, 190°C/2.16 kg g/10 min 0.5 1.1 1 5 ASTM D1238
Density g/cm3 0.868 0.9 0.868 0.868 ASTM D1505
Peak melting temperature℃(℉) 54 (129) 94 (200) 55.2 (131) 57.7 (136) ExxonMobil Method
Vicat softening temperature℃(℉) 55.8 (132) 91.2 (196) 54.2 (130)  503 (122) ExxonMobil Method
Hardness (Shore A/D) 70A 39D 70A 68A ExxonMobil Method
Tensile stress MPa (psi) >10 (>1500) >28 (>4100) >7.8 (>1100) >55 (>760) ExxonMobil Method
Elongation at break % >800 >800 >800 >800 ExxonMobil Method